Safer correctional facilities - Solution Guide

Use cases

Officer safety Protect personnel and enhance situational awareness

Officers stay connected via radio to call for back-up. Unusual motion

Live streaming to the command centre from body cameras enables faster response during incidents, as well as recorded evidence for review.

detection can automatically alert command centre staff.

Situational awareness Centralise intelligence for an immediate, 360-degree view


Integrated command centre situational awareness software unifies all data – from fixed, body and in-car cameras, facial recognition and more.

Powered by AI, software flags situations or persons of interest. Data bundled into an incident case folder provides quick and easy evidence management.

In the field Enhance safety and connectivity in the field


Beyond the facility, body and fixed video cameras and other smart devices monitor offices, medical areas, interview rooms and welfare checks.

Safety sensors detect aggression and keywords and trigger automatic alerts. In the field, PTT from smart devices provides fast, secure communication.


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