Safer correctional facilities - Solution Guide

Key challenges in corrections

Understaffing is a pervasive and critical issue within correctional facilities, leading to a cascade of challenges that impact both inmates and staff.

Without adequate staffing, officer safety is jeopardised and liability protection decreases. In a correctional facility, there needs to be eyes on the lookout at all times, even when the facility is short staffed or officers are unavailable. This is where technology can play an especially important role – through integrated surveillance, automation of tasks like occupancy counting and aggression alerts and analytics that can help identify potential risks before they occur.

“Chronic understaffing and overflowing prisons. Prison Officers have been working harder than ever in increasingly dangerous circumstances.”

“Inspector identifies staff shortages and overcrowding as ongoing problems.”

“Inmates in lockdown, prisons closed due to chronic correctional officer staff shortages.”

National Indigenous Times, April 2024

ABC News, June 2023

“More than 60% of staff at Queensland detention centre quit amid record influx of young people.”

“Prisons are operating with up to 50 fewer officers, as the shocking rate of staff vacancies is revealed.”

WA Prison Officers Union, April 2024

The Guardian, June 2023

The Courier Mail, April 2023


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